A rotating series of images of technology and people underneath the name "Brenta Blevins"
A rotating series of images of technology and people underneath the name "Brenta Blevins"
Brenta Blevins
Brenta Blevins

Research and Publications

Research Statement

My scholarly interests primarily concern the multiple intersections of writing and technology. As a tool that enables human communication, writing itself is a technology, but it also intersects with multiple other technologies in the production and consumption of writing.


I define writing broadly to include the traditional alphabetic form, as well as other modes, including the visual, aural, and other symbolic modes that support communication. As such, my research focuses on theorizing literacy and writing pedagogy across multiple media, genres, and sites. In examining writing in the academic, personal, and professional contexts, my approach integrates rhetorical theory—from the ancient to the digital, multimodal/multiliteracy theory, genre theory, communication across the curriculum, and cultural studies.


To understand twenty-first century composing practices, I historicize literacy across centuries and media to highlight the embodied nature of composing in the digital era. In my book project Ubiquitous Composing: From Corporeality to Virtual Reality, I analyze texts in the developing media of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality, collectively termed Extended Reality (XR). In comparing XR texts with similar versions in "antiquated" media, I present how understanding the similarities between and affordances of these forms enables both creators and instructors to better understand composing in new and longstanding modes.

Publications and Webtexts

“Levelling up with Emergent Tutoring: Exploring the Ludus and Paidia of Writing, Tutoring, and Augmented Reality.” With Lindsay Sabatino. Unlimited Players: The Intersections of Writing Centers and Games Scholarship. Ed. Stephanie Vie and Holly Ryan. Utah State UP, 2022, pp. 103-122. 

“The Literacies of Augmented Reality: Linking Traditional and New Ways of Composing.” Writing Changes: Alphabetic Text and Multimodal Composition, Ed. Pegeen Reichert Powell. Modern Language Association, 2020, pp. 177-193.

“Podcasts: Sound Strategies for Sonic Literacy.” Multimodal Composing: Strategies for Twenty-First-Century Writing Consultations, Eds. Lindsay Sabatino and Brian Fallon. Utah State University Press, April 2019, pp. 140-152.


“Initiating Multimodal TrainingFaculty Development for Creating and Assessing Assignments.” With Lindsay Sabatino. Multimodality: History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. Eds. Santosh Khadka and Jennifer C. Lee. Routledge, 2018, pp. 125-138.

“Designing Scholarly Multimodal Texts: A Peer Review Process.”

With Stacy W. Rice and Russell G. Carpenter.

The Peer Review (October 2015): n.p.

“July Webtext of the Month: ‘What is Code?’”

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. July 31, 2015.

"Reflections from the Trenches in the Cloud" online teaching series.

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. January-February 2015.

“Using a Collaborative Classroom Wiki for Exam Study.”

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. October 15, 2014.

“Academic Opinions of Wikipedia.”

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. May 7, 2014.

“January Webtext of the Month: Hollow.”

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. January 28, 2014.

“Visualizing Data through Infographics.”

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. November 14, 2013.

Peer Review

Named Review for Creating Mobile Augmented Reality Experiences in Unity, Jacob Greene, Programming Historian, Aug. 2018. 

Conference Presentations

I have delivered numerous peer-reviewed research presentations and workshops at such conferences as Modern Language Association (MLA), Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Rhetoric Society of America (RSA), and Computers and Writing, among others. More detailed information can be found on my CV. 

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